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Ross Hopper Towing Service, 70 McCarthy Road, Maleny - reviews, opening hours

Ross Hopper Towing Service, 70 McCarthy Road, Maleny

Here you will find information about Ross Hopper Towing Service: Contact information, reviews, working times, website, photos, videos, phone number, fax number, contact person, email, social media profiles, address, map, directions.

Ross Hopper Towing Service is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Storage  


+61 429 942 492

70 McCarthy Road, Maleny, Queensland 4552

Establishment   Storage  

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  • A Google User
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    This guy is amazing, we thought we would need a crane to get our back hoe out, it had slid down an embankment and rolled over onto it's side. Ross arrived and said he'd get it out with his 4wd, we sort of laughed at the idea but he was serious and 30 minutes later it was back on it's tracks and up on the road with nothing but his 4wd!! Saved us an absolute fortune and a lot of down time that we would have had waiting for a crane coming up from Brisbane. Instead it was just over an hour from the time it slid and fell over, till it was back on the road and we could start assessing the damage caused when it rolled over. Thanks Ross
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Ross Hopper Towing Service is based in Maleny. Full address is 70 McCarthy Road. Australia postal code is 4552. We invite you to visit the official website of Ross Hopper Towing Service . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 429 942 492 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Ross Hopper Towing Service.
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25.02.2025 01:00 27
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